- The ubiquity of broadband Internet access.
- The fact that time spent on the Internet exceeds time watching TV in the highly coveted younger demographic, and is nearly equal in the population as a whole.
- Explosive increase in Web 2.0 sites and usage.
Yativ says that with the current "Web 2.0 frenzy", surfing the web has been replaced by Googling, Twittering and Facebooking. Regardless of why the use of the Web is changing, it is impacting how new entrants into the workforce think and react to business software and is therefore creating a huge need for Rich Internet Applications in business.
Clearly, business users are driving the demand for RIA in business. Properly implemented, RIA can help IT departments as well. RIA allows access to enterprise application data and functionality via alternative interfaces and reduces the number of technologies needed in the organization not to mention the required skill-sets needed.
Yativ showed how RIA replaces outdated technologies and reduces project and budget risks as it extends Enterprise Applications to business users. He also mentioned the benefit of Business Process Automation (BPA) via RIA interfaces as a way to automate business processes. Presenting information in the context of relevant business processes and in accordance with users' roles was also mentioned. Yativ sees all of this as part of a more Service Oriented IT Delivery focused on business needs.
A key concept introduced by Yativ was "Time to Cloud." Reducing the time needed to create Rich Internet Business Applications will result in greater "ROEI" or "return on existing investment" a notion that Yativ says is far more important in today's economy than ROI. Clearly, Yativ's presence at the AJAXWorld RIA Conference landed like a tidal wave at the event with a business oriented message for RIA development that was well received. uniPaaS has arrived.
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