The much anticipated release of uniPaaS Jet has finally arrived. Yes, that’s right, uniPaaS Jet has been officially released. With uniPaaS Jet, solo programmers seeking to build single-user software applications for desktop or Internet deployment now have unlimited free development and deployment with what has long been widely regarded as the most productive business software application platform available.
But suddenly there is something new and different. A hipper, cooler edge to business software development. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) comes standard out-of-the-box with uniPaaS so you are already looking at a cloud-tastic environment with client-server roots. And with all the new resources supporting the new programmer in the process of learning how to program in uniPaaS Jet, you have a launchpad for success. We’re talking about hundreds of instructional videos, sample programs and tutorials to help you master all aspects of business software development with uniPaaS.
It’s amazing to see the RAWcross America tour, which has helped us to highlight software development communities across the country rolling through Nashville, Tennessee. Of course, you think of Tennessee and you think of music. Organizations like the Ray Charles Foundation use uniPaaS to track digital music rights. In Tennessee, Trilegiant group has had a long history developing Magic applications for tracking affinity marketing data. These systems touch the lives of millions of people bringing a better membership experience to millions across the USA. And of course, there are all sorts of businesses in Nashville running Magic applications built in uniPaaS and integrated with the iBOLT Integration Suite. When all those country music stars want their hair to look great, where do they go? Regis Salons are integrated by Magic Software. When they want their publicity photos printed, who do they call? Ritz Imaging, Ritz Camera and Wolf Camera have locations all across Tennessee backed by the power of Magic Software’s application platform and integration technology. And of course, nearly all the major newspapers in Tennessee including The Tennessean and The Commercial Appeal have Magic applications managing the advertising insert process and associated tracking.
Software developers seeking programming jobs in Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville and other cities in Tennessee should take a close look at uniPaaS Jet and the enterprise level uniPaaS solutions used in major commercial software applications all across the region. With simplified online learning and straightforward development procedures, developers have the ability to create business applications that are reliable, scalable and secure.
The RAWcross America tour rolls into AUSTIN, Texas next on Wednesday, January 19th where they will be at Venue 222 (Formerly known as Aces Lounge) from 7-9 pm. The venue is located at 222 East 6th Street in Austin just a few blocks from the river. If you are an artist wanting to learn more about RAWArtists.org and attend the mixer contact Meghan@RAWartists.org / Austin@RAWartists.org. If you are interested in becoming a computer programmer and want to learn beginning programming with a free tool from a commercial vendor then please visit the uniPaaS Jet download page.